Thomas Doxiadis will be speaking at Landscape Festival I Maestri del Paesaggio in Bergamo
The Landscape Festival is an event of international importance dedicated to the promotion of landscape culture which has been taking place in Bergamo since 2011. Conceived in 2011 by the non-profit association Arketipos, it was born as an event open to a large public in the wonderful setting of Bergamo Alta and has developed over the years thanks to the strong commitment of the Municipality of Bergamo. This years theme is 'grow together', being aware that we are all part of a complex system called Nature, and being united in taking the right path to defend this unique and extraordinary environment.
Thomas Doxiadis will be speaking at the International Meeting and Valfredda Seminar of the Landscape Festival, taking place in Bergamo between 21-23 September 2023.Designing for Symbiosis reverses the trend of transformation as destruction by formulating transformation as a new synthesis, a cohabitation. Now, in the Antrhopocene, we have both the capacity to destroy the rest of the planet and the understanding not to do so. As designers, we ask the question, how do we construct on our beautiful and sensitive landscapes without destroying them?
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